Evaluation of seismic responses of earth dams in the steady-state seepage (a case study: Shamil Dam)
Considering the high seismic potential in most parts of Iran, the importance of studying the behavior of earth dams under earthquake loading, especially in the southern regions, is very important due to the number of these dams and seismicity of the Zagros mountain range. In recent years, many studies have been performed on the effects of earthquakes on earth dams, but these structures exhibit seismic response and different dynamic behavior in earthquakes under different geometric conditions and properties of different materials.In this study, the Shamil earth dam located in Hormozgan province has been investigated due to the importance of its application by means of numerical methods using the critical linear equation method. Dynamic behavior and seismic response of the dam and its following in terms of strains, tensions, acceleration and displacement distribution have been studied and the areas which susceptible to fracture were identified based on the relevant criteria. The results show that the upper part of the dam has a potential to crack and the maximum displacement is very small and occurred in less than one percent of the height of the dam, which indicates the stability of the dam during and after earthquakes.