Evaluation of Remote Sensing Technology in Estimation of Evapotranspiration of Alfalfa Using Evapotranspiration Data Estimated by Lysimeter in Alborz and Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari Provinces
Estimation of crop water requirement and evapotranspiration by lysimeter is costly and time-consuming and could not be applied to larger field scale. Remote sensing technology can overcome this limitation. The goal of this research was to estimate alfalfa actual evapotranspiration using satellite imagery and compare it with the in-situ measurement by lysimeter. The study was carried out from 2017 to 2020 in the agricultural lands of Alborz and Charmahal and Bakhtiari provinces employing Surface Energy Balance Algorithm for Land (SEBAL) method. Lysimeter has been implemented under standard conditions. The cold pixels of each satellite image were extracted to estimate net alfalfa crop water requirement. In-situ net crop water requirement for Alborz and Charmahal and Bakhtiari provinces were obtained as 1383 and 1087 mm, respectively. The coefficients of determination (R2) were 73% and 76%, respectively, for the two studied provinces. The statistical analysis showed that there were small deviations from the mean values. The standard evapotranspiration measurements using lysimeter were higher than the satellite estimations. This technique can be useful for the estimation of crop water consumption since it is simple, cheap, fast, and can be used for large areas.
Evaluation and Sensitivity Analysis of the Effective Parameters on the Relative Economic Water Productivity Index
*, Fariborz Abbasi
Iranian Journal of Irrigation & Drainage, -
Monitoring the physical and chemical properties of the soil in relation to the oak decline phenomenon in the Zagros forests (Case study: Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari province)
Hassan Jahanbazy Goujani, Mohammad Matinizadeh, Mehdi Pourhashemi, Yaghoub Iranmanesh, Mahmood Talebi, , Mehdi Zandebasiri *
Journal of Forest and Wood Products, -
Introducing and evaluation of relative economic water productivity index
*, Fariborz Abbasi
Iranian Journal of Soil and Water Research, -
Evaluation and assessment of surface energy balance algorithm for land by Landsat 5 satellite imageries to determine water requirement and water productivity of sugar beet by lysimetric data
*, Niaz Ali Ebrahimipak, Behrooz Hoseini Boroujeni
Journal of Water and Soil Management and Modeling,