Imbalance Between Cybercrime Punishments with Some of the Corresponding Traditional Crimes
The emergence of the Covid-19 has threatened physical and mental health and has negatively affected the economy of all countries in the world as well as the people’s daily life. All countries of the world have imposed restrictions such as travel, quarantine, school closures, social distancing measures. In the current situation, information and communication technologies and cyberspace play a significant role in establishing communication between the people. Most of the countries in the world use remote working systems and online mechanisms of education letting students and staff stay and work from their homes. There has also been a very high demand in activities such as telecommuting, electronic health care systems, food delivery and online shopping. The cyberspace criminals have taken the Covid-19 Pandemic as an opportunity to launch attacks against financial interests and promote their nefarious purposes.
During the outbreak of the Covid-19, ransomware, phishing attacks and botnets have targeted the banking systems, personal virtual space education, health care and resources such as the confidentiality of patient records which have endangered privacy and have compromised the confidentiality and integrity of data. People are falling prey to cyber-attacks through Covid-19 related content.
In this article, several important cyber security threat methods that existed or could occur during this pandemic have been examined. We have also discussed the concerns in the midst of this privacy-centered pandemic and finally examined some of the ways to deal with these threats. Abidance by the ways and methods revealed through this research will enable the people to keep safe in the cyber space to a noticeable degree.