Investigation allowable bearing capacity of deposits in Mahshahr Special Economic Zones and Bandar-e Imam for surface foundations

Article Type:
Research/Original Article (دارای رتبه معتبر)

 One of the subjects of geotechnical engineering is soil bearing capacity, which is a function of the engineering properties of subsurface deposits and foundation characteristics. In this study, the results of 78 exploratory boreholes drilled in Mahshahr Special Economic Zone and Bandar-e-Imam were used to produce engineering geological maps with the aim of determining the soil bearing capacity in that area. The result from the boreholes shows that the sediment of the area is mainly clay and to a lesser extent silty clay and silty sand. After determining the soil classification, engineering parameters were determined based on laboratory test results. Then by using Hansen's formula and considering the allowable settlement of the foundation, bearing capacity was calculated for square foundation (1×1) and (2×2) meters, strip foundation with buried unit depth and a mat foundation (10×20) meters with buried depth one and two meters. By using the ArcGIS software, the load capacity map of the study area was produced and result shows that the allowable bearing capacity in this area varies between 0.40 to 0.98 (kg /cm2) and the northern area has higher load capacity than other area.

Journal of Iranian Association of Engineering Geology, Volume:15 Issue: 3, 2022
109 to 127