Evaluation of Farhangian University Libraries According to the Standards of Iranian University Libraries

Article Type:
Research/Original Article (دارای رتبه معتبر)

The purpose of this study is to compare the human resources, collections and space of libraries in Farhangian University with the standard of Iranian university library. The present study is an applied study that has been done using a descriptive survey method. Data were collected by a researcher-made questionnaire based on the university library standards. The statistical population consists of 64% of campus libraries and 34 libraries of Farhangian University. A total of 69 libraries responded to the questionnaire and the analysis was based on their data. Findings showed that Farhangian University libraries were 29% in terms of human resources, 23% in terms of collection and 54% in terms of space, according to university library standards. Farhangian University libraries are quantitatively far from the standards of university libraries in terms of human and information resources. But in terms of space, libraries are in a relatively good position compared to the other two indicators. Employing enough experts and allocating the necessary funds to standardize the collection and space of libraries are serious decisions that should be at the forefront.

Journal of Educational and Scholastic Studies, Volume:11 Issue: 32, 2022
359 to 384
سامانه نویسندگان
  • Eftekhar Afzali، Seyyed Hossein
    Author (4)
    Eftekhar Afzali, Seyyed Hossein
    .Ph.D Islamic Revolution Studies, University of Tehran, تهران, Iran
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