Evaluation of the integrated health system (SIB) based on the users' point of view regarding the application, purposes and features
After the establishment of the Integrated Health System (SIB) with the aim of collecting people's health information and creating an electronic health record for the general public, the necessity of evaluating users' views on its function, goals and characteristics doubled and the present study was carried out.
It was a descriptive research that was conducted on 30 experts of electronic health records (leaders) of medical sciences universities across the country. A cluster method was used for sampling. The data collection tool was a questionnaire made by the researcher, whose validity (reliability) was estimated to the extent of... and its index... It was measured through content validation and with...
Participants in the study were 46.7% women and 53.3% men.The results of the present study in the Application section ("has applications and full implemented " 65.1%, has applications and incomplete performance 27.08%,has applications and not implemented 1.56% and"not application" 2.07%),Objectives("infrastructure" and full implementation 43.7%,Incomplete implementation 42.3%, not implemented 2.7% and "no infrastructure" 9.01%)and Characteristics ("has characteristics "and full implementation 48.55%,has characteristics and incomplete implementation 35.24%,has characteristics not implemented 2.37% and "no characteristics" 13.81%).
From the point of view of the users, the system needs further development in terms of goals and features, so that by expanding it and creating the necessary infrastructure, the electronic health record can be formed for the general public. In the application section, this system was at a relatively acceptable level. Also, the educational field and work experience of the apple system experts are very important; Because the lack of familiarity of employees with international standards and inappropriate training of personnel leads to incorrect use of information, which as a result affects managerial and clinical decisions.
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