Designing and Compiling a Social Responsibility Charter for Sports Organizations in the Islamic Republic of Iran
The present study was conducted with the aim of designing and compiling a social responsibility charter for sports organizations in the Islamic Republic of Iran with a combined approach.
In terms of applied purpose, the present study was a research method mixed with a sequential exploratory type and a survey collection method. The statistical population in the qualitative part included professors and selected managers of sports organizations (18 people) and in the quantitative part included professors of managers of sports organizations (110 people). To collect information in a quantitative part, a researcher-made questionnaire based on the qualitative part was used, which was divided into two general parts: demographic characteristics and its questions. This questionnaire consists of 30 items and in the form of 8 main components in the form of five Likert options (strongly agree, 5 points to strongly disagree, 1 point) were used. To analyze the findings, the method of structural equations using Smart-PLS software was applied.Results The results of the analysis of the interviews showed that 30 concept codes, 8 categories (core code) economic, legal, voluntary, ethical, environmental, Education, personal and social health and energy consumption management are the components of social responsibility of sports organizations.
Finally, the Charter of Social Responsibility of sports organizations was designed. It is suggested to the sports organizations of the country to use the charter of social responsibility of the current research in order to develop the social responsibility of their organization