Investigation of shear wave velocity model beneath east of Iran from Rayleigh waves tomography
The Iranian Plateau is a part of the Alpine–Himalayan orogenic belt located in the western part of Asia. Convergence of the Arabian Plate and Eurasia from the late Cretaceous to the present has generated significant lithospheric deformations such as crustal shortening and thickening in the Plateau and surrounding mountain ranges including the Zagros Fold–Thrust Belt, Alborz and Kopeh Dagh. The convergence across Zagros is accommodated through different mechanisms of diffused shortening and/or thrusting of the Arabian lithosphere beneath Central Iran. This study focuses on the velocity structure of the eastern part of the Iranian Plateau which has not been studied well yet. Our study region also contains Binalud and Kopeh-Dagh deformation domains which were built up by the north-eastern collisional boundary between the Plateau and Eurasia and a small part of the Urumieh-Dokhtar magmatic arc which was the volcanic arc of the past Neotethyan subduction. The lithosphere-asthenosphere system beneath east of Iran is investigated by employing earthquake surface wave tomography. A total of 5862 teleseismic Rayleigh waveforms from 368 events recorded at three permanent networks during a period of three years were used to produce 2-D high-resolution phase velocity maps. We employed a two-plane wave tomography approach to generate phase velocity maps at period ranges of 25–111 s. From a published study of ambient noise tomography, we extracted Rayleigh wave dispersion data at 8–20 s periods to improve resolution in the crust and then inverted them for a 3-D S-wave velocity model. A 3-D velocity model was then constructed by a nonlinear Bayesian Markov chain Monte-Carlo algorithm of local node-wise dispersion data into S-wave velocity models down to a depth of 200 km. The most prominent resolved feature by our 3-D velocity model is a low-velocity asthenospheric channel at 70 and 150 km depths overlaid by a thin lithosphere. We believe that in the lack of an isostatic compensated crustal root in the Iranian Plateau, this feature is supporting high elevation (~1000 m) topography covering the Iranian Plateau. A Moho map for the study region is obtained by mapping the geometry of 4.0 km/s S-wave velocity contour in the 3-D velocity model. It shows that most of the study region is covered by a less deformed crust with a thickness of ~36 km. Two crustal roots are observed, one beneath the Urumieh-Dokhtar magmatic arc and the other beneath the north-eastern part of the study region where an array of the Neotethys suture zones is marked by ophiolite outcrops. Lithospheric scale deformation in a sequence of Neotethys suture zones is high probably responsible for the crustal thickening in NE Iran.