The Effectiveness of Bimanual Coordinated Movements on Elementary School Students' Creativity
The creativity has cognitive, motivational and non-cognitive dimensions. Fostering creativity in children has been pursued often in the cognitive dimensions, while motivational and non-cognitive dimensions play a significant role in stimulating the children's creativity. This study aimed to review the effectiveness of coordinated bimanual movements on fostering creativity in the children. The research has been conducted by a quasi-experimental method with pretest and posttest design and a control group including male students of the sixth grade of Imam Hossein Elementary School in the second district of Tehran in the school year of 2018-19. The study sample was selected by convenience sampling method among the sixth grade classes. For this purpose, one class (31 students) and the other class (30 students) were randomly considered as the experimental group and the control group. Torrance and Abedi tests were used to assess the creativity. After performing the pretest by both groups; the experimental group performed bimanual coordinated movements for two months according to the set schedule and then the posttest was executed for both groups. Data were analyzed using a multivariate analysis of covariance and the results show that continuous performance of coordinated bimanual activities can significantly increase the components of creativity such as flexibility, originality, fluency and elaboration in students.
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