Studying the Conditions for Acquisition of Iranian Citizenship by the Children Resulting from the Marriage of Iranian Women to Foreign Men
The conception of nationality is about the place someone is born— in reality the place of his/her birth land. Hence Nationality is relating to the place of birth and can often be regarded as ethnic or racial matter. The right of nationality is the most important and cardinal title of human right. Therefore, International law assigns that States provisions to the persons nationalities is not arbitrary and they have to observe their human rights obligations relating the grant and loss of people nationality. Hence, lack of nationality for someone, make him/her have no chance for school, doctor appointment, job, bank account, or even marriage right_ all the most necessary rights_. Nevertheless, Millions of people all over the world are out of nationality and are regarded stateless ! The conception of stateless is about one who is considered as a nationless, without any legal and political support and protection by a Sovereignty. For more explication of nationality importance, there is a number of regional and international human rights concerning the right to a nationality. Article 15 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights indicate “[e]veryone has the right to a nationality” and that “[n]o one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his nationality nor denied the right to change his nationality
Philosophical Foundations of the Materialism of the Right to Publicity and the Imperative of Its Protection
*, Farzaneh Sohrabi Shabjareh
Journal of Intellectual Property Law Teachings in Islamic Countries, -
Independence in Civil (Non-Criminal) Responsibility: A Comparative Study of Vizr Rule in Imamiyyah Jurisprudence & Independent Responsibility in International Law
Mohamad Setayeshpur *,
Journal of Comparative Study of Islamic and Western Law,