Physical-spatial divisions and its effect on traffic problems (Case study: Talesh City)
Understanding the variables and factors affecting traffic is necessary for solving it, and physical-spatial divisions are the important factors affecting the traffic problems of cities. Undoubtedly, better knowledge does not only help solve the problem quickly, but also can reduce the waste of management costs.
The purpose of this article is to influence physical-spatial divisions to improve the traffic of Talesh City.
Library and field methods used in this study. The type of research in terms of nature is descriptive-analytical and the purpose of the present research is to investigate and evaluate the effect of physical-spatial divisions on traffic problems in Talesh City. The statistical population of the present study consists of the citizens of Talesh City.
Geographical Context:
The geographical territory of the current research is the city of Talesh.
The results of data analysis using t-test show that the issues of physical-spatial divisions are not favorable from the point of view of citizens and have created the ground for creating traffic in Talesh city. Based on the results of bivariate regression and factor analysis, physical-spatial divisions have a great impact on the traffic problems. Finally, the sum of values for the indicators is 4.51 and based on this the obtained indicators are highly desirable from the experts.
The conditions of physical-spatial divisions of Talesh City have caused and increased traffic problems in this city. Therefore, the traffic problem imposes both economic and environmental difficulties for the city and has social and cultural negative effects, which leads to more limitations on the executive planners of Talesh City.