Elaboration of legal criteria for identification of beneficiaries in environmental cases
Environmental protection is accepted as one of the legal and scientific requirements in the country. This research has been done with the aim of developing criteria for identifying beneficiaries in lawsuits and environmental crimes. Its type is analytical and library method. For this purpose, in-depth study was used to collect and screen data. Experts (Delphi panel) were used to confirm the data. In the following, the factor analysis method (SEM) was used to fit the incorrect model. The results showed that a total of 18 components including 10 types of beneficiaries and 8 types of crimes were identified. The types of beneficiaries are: public persons (custodial and non-custodial organizations), private persons (real and legal). Also, the types of crimes are: intentional, inadvertent, repetitive, non-repetitive, compensable, irreparable, forgivable and non-forgivable. The results of the goodness of fit evaluation of the model show that GFI is equal to 0.942, RMR is equal to 0.079, TLI is equal to 0.959, CFI is equal to 0.903, and IFI is equal to 0.911. are in the acceptable area. Real private organizations have the most weight (82 percent), followed by non-trustee type public organizations (77 percent), legal type private organizations (64 percent), and finally, trustee type public organizations with a weight of 51 percent. are located Also, environmental crimes were measured with a total weight of 77% in the model, which shows the high validity of the model.