Effect of Out-Of-Hour Admission on Fluid Treatment of Emergency Department Patients with Suspected Infection; a Multicenter Post-Hoc Analysis
Sepsis is a life-threatening and common cause of Emergency department (ED) referrals. Out-of-hourstaffing is limited in ED, which may potentially affect fluid administration. This study aimed to investigate fluid volumevariation in out-of-hour vs. routine-hour admissions.
The present study is a post-hoc analysis of a multicen-tre, prospective, observational study investigating fluid administration in ED patients with suspected infection, fromJan 20th - March 2nd, 2020. Patient groups were “routine-hours” (RH): weekdays 07:00-18:59 or “out-of-hours” (OOH):weekdays 19:00-06:59 or Friday 19:00-Monday 06:59. Primary outcome was 24-hour total fluid volumes (oral + intra-venous (IV )). Secondary outcomes were total fluids 0-6 hours, oral fluids 0-6 and 0-24 hours, and IV fluids 0-6 and 0-24hours. Linear regression adjusted for site and illness severity was used.
734 patients had suspected infection;449 were admitted during RH and 287 during OOH. Mean (95% CI) total 24-hour fluid volumes were equal in simple in-fection and sepsis regardless of admission time: Simple infection RH: 3640 (3410 - 3871) ml and OOH: 3681 (3451 - 3913)ml. Sepsis RH: 3671 (3443;3898) ml and OOH: 3896 (3542;4250) ml. Oral fluids 0-6h were reduced in simple infectionand sepsis among OOH vs. RH. Sepsis patients received more 0-6-hour IV fluid when admitted OOH vs. RH. There wereno associations between admission time and 0-24-hour oral or IV volumes in simple infection or sepsis.
Admission time did not have an association with 24-hour total fluid volumes. Sepsis patients admitted during OOHreceived more 0-6-hour IV fluids than RH patients, and simple infection and sepsis patients received less oral fluid in0-6 hours if admitted during OOH vs. RH.