Presenting future scenarios of smart city governance (Case study: Rasht city)
Nowadays, there are increasing needs in many dimensions related to urban life, such as: environmental governance, public security, urban planning, energy saving, traffic control, interpersonal communication, social activities, etc. Failure to meet any of the mentioned needs can threaten the sustainable development of a city. In this context, smart city and smart city governance can be a solution. Regarding the city of Rasht, it can be stated that many of the challenges of the spatial extent of the city of Rasht are due to the lack of functional integration of the people in power and decision-making. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to analyze smart urban governance scenarios in Rasht city in order to provide solutions for the future. The present study is applied in terms of descriptive-analytical and exploratory methods. Data collection is by documentary method as well as survey based on Delphi technique. The statistical population of all urban specialists in Rasht is in the field of research. The sample size was determined using Rasco rules 45 people and the sampling method is snowball. 9 key drivers and 28 possible situations were considered for the future of smart governance of Rasht city using the opinion of experts and the output of Micmac software and the interaction matrix questionnaire (weight -3 to 3) was provided to experts. The results of the analysis using the scenario wizard software indicate that the appropriate bedrock scenarios in the field of citizenship education and awareness raising, public and citizen participation and private sector participation, making arrangements to increase funding in the field of intelligence and municipal support From Smart government, the highest value of compatibility is in smart governance in Rasht.
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