Jurisprudential review of audience persuasion in mass media
Persuading the audience is an intelligent influencing process that mass media owners use in various ways to direct public opinion towards their goals, and perhaps the design and application of these methods are sometimes deceptive and inconsistent with Islamic Sharia; therefore, it is necessary to examine the issue based on Islamic jurisprudence. to be able to obtain the permissibility or impermissibility of persuasion by the mass media, which itself is an indication of innovation; for this reason, the present research with an analytical and inferential method, in addition to discovering the basics and principles of persuasion in the mass media, according to the jurisprudential issues , Tadlis, Tabarj, Testimony and Lying and based on the jurisprudence rules of authenticity, harmlessness, negation of mustache, important and important, and sanctity of contribution to the cause, examined the issue of persuasion in mass media.Persuasion and Jihad Explaining about the command of the good and the prohibition of the bad by the mass media is necessary and the principle is that people in the Islamic society trust the mass media, but not be gullible. It is not to hide the truth and to avoid spreading rumors, because some of them are like slander to the detriment of the believers and guarantees.Also, the promotion of haram in any form, such as the promotion of modeling in the mass media, is considered sacred because it is an accessory to the sin, and in addition, because any kind of infidel influence and domination over Islamic societies
The Semantics of Pain in the Holy Quran: A Thematic Analysis with an Ethical Approach
*, Hatam Mahdavinoor, Soghra Radan, Mohammad Mirzaei
The Qur’an and Science, -
Drivers of political ethics in the formation of modern Islamic civilization with emphasis on the views of Ayatollah Khamenei
Mahmoud Ramezani, *
Journal of Political studies of the new Islamic civilization,