The Concept of Policy Profile Ratio (PPR) in Determining Stakeholders’ Attitudes to Changing Agriculture and Natural Resources Practices

Article Type:
Research/Original Article (دارای رتبه معتبر)
Background and Objective

It is difficult to formulate a comprehensive plan for the development of agriculture, natural resources, and watershed management to identify all the needs and issues of different stakeholders, separately. To this end, using of policy profile as a valuable tool in the watershed planning process could be helpful to identify relevant social issues, collect essential information about them, and ultimately summarize and applied these data in the agricultural and natural resources management program.

Material and Methodology

The current research is descriptive-analytical in terms of method and applied research in terms of purpose.


In this paper, the concept of policy profile ratio (PPR) in determining the stakeholder attitudes regarding the changing agricultural and natural resources measures, has been introduced and elaborated. In addition, a comprehensive and necessary information on the individuals, groups and organizations role on the decision making of government agencies has been provided for managers to use of stakeholder participation in decision making and implementation processes. In this approach, firstly an issue or problem and then different stakeholders of the project are identified and based on the questionnaire information; the stakeholder’s attitude will be assigned through determining their position, importance and power. Hence, the values of policy profile ratio will be computed. The values of calculated index ​​will allow to assess the role of each practitioner or stakeholder in the problem solving or deciding on it.

Discussion and Conclusion

The introduced approach can be applied to identify the strengths and weaknesses of decision-making and to take various actions to solve the problem or adopt a new approach.

Human & Environment, Volume:20 Issue: 4, 2022
103 to 120  
سامانه نویسندگان
  • Kateb، Fatemeh
    Author (1)
    Kateb, Fatemeh
    Phd Student Watershed managment science and engineering (water and soil conservation), Tarbiat Modares University, تهران, Iran
  • Esmali Ouri، Abazar
    Corresponding Author (2)
    Esmali Ouri, Abazar
    Professor Department of Range and Watershed Management, University of Mohaghegh Ardabili, اردبیل, Iran
  • Mostafazadeh، Raoof
    Author (3)
    Mostafazadeh, Raoof
    Associate Professor Natural Resources, Faculty of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of Mohaghegh Ardabili, اردبیل, Iran
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