A Historical Analysis of Comprehensive sources on Quranic Studies: Abu Ubaid al-Qasim bin Salam’s Kitab Fada’il-al-Qur’an

Article Type:
Research/Original Article (دارای رتبه معتبر)

Muslims have been writing about Quranic studies for a long time. Kitab Fada’il-al-Qur’an by Abu Ubaid al-Qasim bin Salam is one of the earliest in-depth Comprehensive sources. The main research question was what underlying causes affected the composition of Fada’il-al-Qur’an, and how can the relative importance of those aspects be analyzed? Analytical data on the “influence of Fada’il-al-Qur’an,” “the interaction and relationship of Fada’il-al-Qur’an with other books in its era,” and “factors influencing the writing process of Fada’il-al-Qur’an” was presented using an orderly procedure and analytical induction. Coding and categorization were employed to collect data for this qualitative study. Due to his proficiency and competence in hadith studies, Abu Ubaid aggregated the hadiths of the Quranic studies using ijtihad and critical perspectives. Due to the author’s Freedom, expertise, and proficiency, internal elements had a greater impact on the writing process of Fada’il-al-Qur’an than external ones. The book’s history, structure, and purpose, as well as Abu Ubaid al-Qasim bin Salam’s social background, personality, and companions, as well as his reputation and monograph in addition to having a comprehensive book, and academic and ethical personality of Abu Ubaid all played a role respectively in making Fada’il-al-Qur’an an influential book in hadith studies.

Journal of Ketab - e - Qayyem, Volume:13 Issue: 28, 2023
305 to 322
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