Re-reading some verses of the last correction of Athir al-Din Akhsikatiʹs Divan
Athir al-Din Akhsikati was a prominent poet and literary figure of the Seljuk period in the sixth century AH. His Divan has been edited and published three times in Iran, with the latest edition made available through the efforts of Mahmoud Barati Khansari. However, in this latest edition, the structure of some of the verses has been found to be damaged. In this critical study, the author aims to provide a corrected and revised form of these verses by comparing the different variations of Akhsikati's divan and providing evidences from ancient Persian and Arabic texts, while also relying on linguistic and literary knowledge. The findings of this paper suggest that the process of editing Akhsikati's poems is still incomplete, and a closer review and revision of the discussed book is necessary, taking into account the previous efforts of editors such as Rokn al-Din Homayoun-Farrokh and Abbas Mahyar, as well as the handwritten version available in the British library.