Applying the DeLone and McLean Model for Assessment of Golestan Academic System: A Case Study
In this paper, we have tried to evaluate the quality of the “Golestan” system by relying on the conceptual model of Delon and Maclean (2003).
To do this, we have used the Model of Pavkovic, Gasper, and Jadrick (2021), which includes the developed form of the Delon and Maclean model along with the standard formative questionnaire, consists of 5 dimensions and 40 subscales, and organized in the continuum range of 1 to 10. The present study was the educational support staff and students of Tehran public universities who were sampled by multi-stage cluster sampling method and Shahid Beheshti, Shahed, and Allameh Tabataba'i universities were selected as samples and sample sizes of 151 and 302 were determined by Cochran formula for educational support staff and students of the mentioned universities, which finally 128 and 264 employees and students responded to the questionnaire, respectively.
Some important findings were obtained from this study. First, the “system performance quality” in all subscales was lower than average, and “information quality” was higher than average. Second, the components of “proportionality to the need”, “the time of registration of inputs”, “alternative access possibility”, “the confidentiality of access”, and “the accuracy of the information” were identified as most important. Third, the evaluation of students about “information quality”, “quality of system performance”, and “service quality” of the Golestan system was more desirable and positive than the staff's point of view. Fourth, only the dimension of “system performance quality” was effective on “system use”, and the rest of the dimensions namely “quality of information” and "quality of information" had no significant effect on the use of the system. Finally, the dimension of “system performance quality” had the most significant indirect effect on user satisfaction.
The quality of system performance and its ingredients such as being adjusted to needs, reliable accessibility, optimum response time, optimum input time, error-free performance, and multiple options for getting access are the most important factors of quality for the Golestan system.
A Study on the Social Responsibilities of Iranian Public Libraries
Parnian Eisazadeh, *
Research on Information Scienc & Public Libraries, -
A Critical Review on the Book “Statistics in Scientometrics and Knowledge and Information Science”
Mahdi Shaghaghi *
Critical Studies in Texts & Programs of Juman Sciences,