Providing a proposed framework for implementing strategic cost management
Strategic cost management is the process of reducing the total price and simultaneously improving the company's strategic position. Strategic cost management is achieved when the company manager understands which costs support the company's strategic position, which weaken it, and which have no effect on it. On the other hand, strategic cost management in recent years does not only include costs, but also includes other factors such as income. Therefore, this article intends to present a proposed framework for the implementation of strategic cost management by introducing, recognizing and examining various aspects of strategic cost management.
The Relationship between Conservative and Liberal Ideology and Moral Accountability
, Farzin Rezaei*, M BESHKOOH
Journal of Ethics in Scince and Technology, -
Theories, assumptions and perspectives related to the adoption of environmental management accounting
*, Solmaz Jannatdoust
Journal of New research approaches in management and accounting,