Reviewing and analyzing the meaning of two real and surreal novels based on the components of aspect and observation
Narration focalization is one of the discussions of narrative theories that are very much considered in fiction and in the analysis of the abilities and techniques that the authors uses to form their own narratives. Considering the importance of the discussion of narration focalization analysis in a better and more precise knowledge of narrative works, in this research, two narratives of "Shazdeh Ehtejab" by "Hooshang-Golshiri" and "Jaaye Khaliye saluoch" by "Mahmud Dowlatabadi" in terms of the narrative focalization, in a descriptive-analytical method have been investigated to see whether there is a significant difference between them regarding the discussion of narration focalization or not.The structure of this research has been set in five chapters: the first chapter has explained the introduction. The second chapter consists of definitions and overviews, and in the third chapter, the obtained pattern has been implemented in two works.Then in the fourth chapter, the components of the two novels are compared. Finally, in the last chapter, the similarities and differences between the two narratives are discussed.The results of this study showed that Golshiri benefited more from the ideological components, direct speech, direct and indirect monologue, frequency of repetition, far-reaching retrospective, and descriptive pause; while, Dowlatabadi has used direct speech, prolepsis, indirect monologue, and emotional aspects more.and this has increased the speed of his narrative more. As a whole, with respect to the comparison among four narration focalization time-related componenets, it may be concluded that despite the different styles of these two works, time-related strategies has been used approximately to the same degree in both, and it seems there is no significant difference considering these components between them.KeyWords: Naration, Naration Focalization, “Shazdeh Ehtejab”, Jaye Khaliye Salouch”.