Comparative review of the name and verb structure in two languages persian and French
Structural analysis of contemporary French is based on studying the function of specific codes which have two aspects: spoken and written ones which transfer the speech codes.In order to be able to describe the function of these codes, one should either have a complete knowledge of all these factors or at least propose a theory on their operation in specific situations.
What is the significance and distribution order of indicators in noun and verb,which is two main elements of french grammatical structure?
How the changes made by these transformations in french language is justified?
In order to describe the components of a language there are various methods which clarify the possible replacements, another important factor is the familiarity with the order of distribution of these elements.
From linguistics point of view this analysis explains "Concept" from behaviorism point of view & it is also a combinatorial analysis which can describe language completely & in details.
This research considers the revolution of noun & verb in both French & Persian in order to identify & describe the related codes in both languages & manipulate them in the best way possible.
Les Personnages Féminins Monomaniaques dans les Œuvres de Balzac Le père Goriot, le Lys dans la vallée, Mémoires de deux jeunes mariées, la femme de trente ans, la femme abandonnée, la peau de chagrin
Marziyeh Mehdizadeh, Mehdi Heydari*, Neda Atash Vahidi
Revue des Etudes de la Langue Française, Autumn-Winter 2023 -
The Attack by Yasmina Khadra: Application of the Sociocriticism Approach of Claude Duchet
Faranak Zandieh, Shahrazad Makoui *, Leyla Ghafouri-Gharavi,
Recherches en Langue et Traduction françaises,