The Effect of Morality on Spiritual Health from the Perspective of the Quran and Narrations
It is now accepted that morality affects spiritual health, as also confirmed in the Quran and narrations. Most researchers, domestic or international, have acknowledged this and written on this issue, though some do not agree. The purpose of the present study was to explain the effect of morality on spiritual health from the perspective of the Quran and the narrations.
This is a descriptive correlational study carried out using the Quranic verses and narrations from Imams (peace be upon them). In writing the present article, besides using the mentioned sources, the databases were searched and the studies that were in line with the present study were identified and analyzed. The authors reported no conflict of interests.
In the Quran and narrations, a special attention has been paid to morality and morality comes next after belief teachings in terms of importance. From the perspective of Islamic teachings, morality affects mental health in different ways. At the individual level, the strife to practice virtues and avoid moral vices, as against the Western scholars’ view, brings true individual peacefulness. Socially, morality leads to increased security and peacefulness and reduces social harms. Making correct use of divine blessings and helping the vulnerable groups, economic morality not only increases individual physical and spiritual health but prepares the ground for social health in terms of eliminating the social and economic harms caused by poverty.
Appropriate promotion of morality and moral teachings can be used as the best strategy to reduce the mental disorders and minimize the social crimes in order to ensure individual and social spiritual health.
Review of Ethan Kohlberg's View Concerning Martyrdom-Seeking in Islam
Sakineh Razzaghi Zadeh*, Mohammadreza Aram, Mehdi Izadi
Journal of Pazhouhesh Dini,