Constructivist Semantics of the Term (al-Risala) in the Holy Quran: A Thematic Research
In semantics, the study of the meaning of words and sentences, the linguistic units are examined according to their occurrences in language, i.e., Paradigmatic and Syntagmatic Relations. These units are also examined according to their references, i.e., their relationship with the outside world (context). Semantics determines what facts each word includes by element analysis. These elements start from general features and reach more detailed elements. Constructivist semantics is a sub-branch of semantics that pays attention to both intra-linguistic meanings and extra-linguistic meanings. It was employed in examining the concept (al-Risala) in the verses of the Holy Quran. To systematically explore the concepts, a thematic research method was used in the Holy Quran; via this method, Qur’anic concepts are discussed both concerning the semantic relations within the verses and the connection of the concepts with the world outside of language can be understood with regard to the Quranic contexts. The term has a very high frequency in the Holy Quran. In this research, according to the root of this term, (Rasala), the terms (al-Risalat), (al-Rasul), (al-Rusul), and (al-Mursalin) are also relevant. The term stems from gradual emission; when it means revelation, is derived from it. Paying attention to the use of and in the Holy Qur’an, and examining their syntagmatized words in the Holy Quran, it can be inferred that is a divine truth including all aspects related to the social life of humans and the developmental life of beings. The most common syntagmatic relations of and are with (Allah) and (ar-Rabb) and the relative pronoun (Ha'a), which in most cases is its reference is. This syntagmatization tells about the divinity of. Also, in the Holy Qur’an, the terms and are found in syntagmatic relations with terms such as (alUmma), (al-Nas), and the plural pronouns (Hum) and (Kum). Further, terms such as (Fikum), (Anfusukum), (Anfusuhum), (Minkum), and (Minhum) have frequent syntagmatic relations with the two terms as mentioned above. This syntagmatization can show the social and universal truth of.