The Dignity of the Beginning in the Thoughts of Sohrab Sepehri
In the realm of mythological criticism in contemporary literature, there is a noticeable trend among writers and poets who are captivated by the idea of exploring the lifestyles of prehistoric people. They believe that as mankind has moved away from its 'pre-social' state, it has descended into immorality. Additionally, upon progressing towards civilization, a sense of self-love emerged, which they perceive as highly artificial and rooted in excessive boasting and jealousy. In this context, the concept of "returning to the origin" emerged, with its proponents demonstrating a strong inclination towards going back to the initial world. This concept is also referred to as "returning to the roots" and "building upon the roots". Sohrab Sepehri, a leading figure in this field among contemporary poets, calls his audience to return to the origin in his works. Using a descriptive-analytical method, this research aims to examine the prevalence of this "returning to the origin" pattern in contemporary literary criticism. The pattern holds significant importance and has been utilized by writers, mystics, and poets worldwide. The results of the research indicate that Sohrab Sepehri actively sought to capture the dreamlike essence of beginnings and eternal memories. He endeavored to transcend the confines of the "corrupted contemporary man" and experience the state of primitive man to the fullest extent possible – a human who "sleeps in the text of the elements" and "is happy in his azure philosophies".
Return , nature , simplicity , Beginning , Civilization
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Aliasghar Zarei *
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