The Prevalence of Impacted Third Molar, Impaction Angulation, and Impaction Depth in Patients Visiting Dental Clinics and Private Offices in Ghaemshahr, Iran, in 2016
The present study aimed to determine the prevalence of impacted third molar as well as impaction angulation and depth.
In this cross-sectional descriptive study, 261 panoramic radiographs belonging to patients visiting dental clinics and offices in Ghaemshahr, Iran, were evaluated and the presence of impacted wisdom teeth was examined. Moreover, the angulation of impacted teeth, impaction depth, and the relationship of the tooth to the mandibular ramus were recorded. The data were recorded, collected, and statistically analyzed in SPSS 22 using the non-parametric chi-square test. p <0.05 was considered significant.
Of the 261 patients entering the study, 52 (17.69%) had at least one impacted tooth. Of the total number of patients with impacted teeth, 31 were women (mean prevalence of 19.87% of the total population of women) and 21 were men (15.22% of the total population of men), showing no significant difference (p=0.29). In terms of impaction depth based on Pell and Gregory’ classification, Class C impaction depth was the most prevalent in the maxilla, while Class A was the most prevalent in the mandible. The most prevalent impaction in terms of angulation in relation to the second molar was vertical in the maxilla and vertical and mesioangular in the mandible.
Based on results, the prevalence of impacted wisdom teeth in patients was 17.69%. This may not be a striking amount, but it is still of significance since the possible complications of impacted teeth are costly and problematic.