Identification of Fractures and Faults in Salman Oil Field in the Persian Gulf Using Seismic Data by the Ant-tracking Algorithm
Nowadays, numerous types of research have been conducted to identify automatically fault and fracture systems based on seismic data. Seismic coherence is one of the geometric indicators that is widely used in revealing seismic discontinuities such as faults, fractures, and river channels. One of the suitable tools for identifying faults and fractures is the use of seismic data, which is done using the ant-tracking algorithm. In this paper, by examining the ant tracking algorithm, faults and micro-faults in the Salman oilfield were identified. In the study area, five reservoir formations are present in the Salman field. In addition, five exploratory wells have been drilled in this area. An ant-tracking algorithm is an efficient tool for accurately identifying reservoir fractures. In this research, with the help of ant tracking algorithm, faults and deep fractures of the Salman oil field were investigated. According to the results, a salt anticline was observed in the Salman region and at the top of the anticline, there are significant normal faults that have caused the graben structure in the region. Also, normal faults are along the northwest-southeast. The sub-faults are also normal along the main faults. The ant conjugation algorithm of conjugate fractures in the area identified them.