Performance Comparison of tcopula GARCH-LVaR with GARCH-VaR To optimize the portfolio in the Tehran Stock Exchange
The aim of this research is to compare the performance of the value-at-risk model with the liquidity-t-copula approach with dynamic conditional correlation (t-copula-GARCH-LVaR) with the value-at-risk (VaR) model to optimize the portfolio in the Tehran Stock Exchange. In the current research, in order to test the desired hypotheses, the period is between 2001 and 2021. All the variables used in this research on a quantitative scale and observations in the form of time series are the daily logarithmic returns of 40 stock market indices, including 39 industry indices and one index of fixed-income bonds from the beginning of September 2011 to the end of July 2021. In this research, to perform the final analysis, all the calculations required for this research were done using the open-source software R 4.2.1. Our results showed that the t-copula-GARCH-LVaR optimization model performs better according to the Sharpe criterion based on Mann–Whitney U test at the 95% test level.
Comparison of Markowitz Model and DCC-tCopula-LVaR for Portfolio Optimization in the Tehran Stock Exchange
Gholamreza Taghizadegan *, Gholamreza Zomorodian, Mirfeiz Fallahshams, Rasoul Saadi
Financial Research,