Spatial correlation assessment of urban designing in relationship with social security indicators in Urmia city by using GIS
The main goal of present research is the study of correlation of social security with Urban Designing indexes in old and modern Urmia texture. In this city, various Urban Designing and presence of different ethics make the importance of security more dominant and in this regard, the quality of buildings, population, the number of floors, and also the domain in which the crimes have recorded by police were considered as criteria. In this study, the data of crimes offered by the police and also the data of city were used. All the pre-processing data and standardization of criteria is done by GIS in order to do the Spatial analysis. At the end, by using MCDM and SUPER DCISION software weight of any criteria was determined and by utilizing weights in standard GIS maps, and finally blending weighted fuzzy maps with AND operator, the security map of the city was provided. The result of the study was compared with crime scattering map which based on the results by developing modern texture social security has increased and police region 13, with an old texture in the central part of the city has the least security.