Mineralogy, geochemistry, and fluid inclusion of the Balestan Iron deposit, Southeast of Urmia, NW Iran
The Balestan iron deposit is located about 55 km southeast of Urmia city. The main host rock is the quartz sericite schist unit of the Early Precambrian age. Major mineralization occurred along the schistocytes of the host rock. However, open space filling structure is also abundantly observed in the fault zones. Based on field evidence and microscopic studies, the dominant iron mineralization is in the form of magnetite, which is observed along with pyrite and chalcopyrite. Geochemical investigations revealed that the distribution patterns of trace elements and major oxides are very similar to other hydrothermal iron deposits. The microthermometric studies of fluid inclusions shows an average homogenization temperature and salinity of about 276°C and 7.3 wt% NaCl equivalent, respectively.The variation trends in salinity and Th of fluid inclusions can be explained by a cooling and pressurization of ore-bearing fluids. Also, these data show that the Balestan iron ore deposit is located within the field of mesothermal ore deposits.