Removal and determination of carbon monoxide based on copper oxide immobilized on Zeolite 13X Nanocatalys t by catalytic oxidation process and gas flow analyzer
Carbon monoxide is one of the main air pollutants, mainly produced from the incomplete combus tion of fossil fuels. This s tudy aims to oxidize carbon monoxide by copper oxide nanoparticles immobilized on zeolite13X subs trate. The present inves tigation was conducted to determine the effect of carbon monoxide concentration parameters (in the range of 200-1400 ppm) and reaction temperature (in the range of 100-500 °C) on the efficiency of carbon monoxide conversion by CuO/Zeolite 13X nanocatalys t. The design of the experiment and the determination of the number of experiments were analyzed using the central composite design method, and the s tatis tical tes t of analysis of variance was done using the response surface method. Also, the s tructural and morphological characteris tics of the nanocatalys t were inves tigated using BET, BJH, FE-SEM, EDX, and XRF tes ts. The results show that CuO/Zeolite 13X nanocatalys t efficiently oxidizes carbon monoxide. The highes t conversion efficiency of 82.6% was obtained at a temperature of 400 °C and a carbon monoxide concentration of 500 ppm as the optimal conditions. According to the EDX tes t results, copper oxide nanoparticles with a weight percentage of 5.9% were loaded on the Zeolite 13X subs trate. Design Expert11 software reduced the cubic model with an R2 coefficient of 0.98.