Presenting the causal model of effective factors on psychological outcome of environmental protection in the educational simulation form among students (case study of secondary school students)
The aim of the current research is providing a causal model of factors affecting the psychological outcome of environmental protection training course in the simulation form, among the students of secondary school in Shiraz. For this purpose, a random multi-stage cluster sampling and Cochran's selection formula are used and 620 students are selected. After using Environmental simulation game, and an amalgamated questionnaire of Keller's game motivation questionnaires (2010), social presence Arba et al. (2008), Need for Cognition Cacciopo and Petty (1982), Mahat Self-Efficacy Scale, Mahd Ayoub and Wang (2012) and environmental engagement questionnaire , 605 questionnaires were completed and returned to the researcher. The results showed that the variables of social presence, the need for recognition and directly and indirectly through mediation Self-efficacy and motivation variables have a significant effect on environmental involvement among students. Also investigating the fitting indicators showed that the proposed research model has a good fit with the data collected from the students of the secondary school. In total, 25 percent of the total changes in the environmental engagement variable as the most important outcome of educational simulation is caused by the variables of social presence, need for recognition, self-efficacy and motivation.