Language of the Qurʾān: Spoken or Written?
Determining the direction of the language is one of the basics of interpretation. In the discussion of the language of the Qur'an, there are many issues, one of which is whether it is spoken or written. In this discussion, they are looking for the answer that the language of the Qur'an has in terms of expression and speech. The meaning of spoken language is to choose a language from the categories of speaking, induction, conversation, and performance, which takes into account the audience and expresses the sentences and phrases in each part in a connected and short way. However, in the written language, the arrangement and order of the words and arrangement of the contents are formed in the absence of the audience and the listener, and its denotative signs are linear. The effect of this discussion is in the interpretation of the Qur'an and in the discovery of knowledge and the general position of religion. In the realm of Qur'an expression, in determining the audience and the level of using evidences and evidences within the text and outside the text. Although this issue has been discussed sporadically in the introduction of many Qur'anic interpretations and sciences since the distant past, it has been raised in the form of linguistic terminology in the contemporary period, and most of the opinions have been raised on the orality of the Qur'anic text. The present research has expressed a detailed opinion about the cleverness of the language of the Qur'an and the proof of this theory by proposing theories and reasons and evaluating the views.