The validity and reliability of the Persian version of the Athlete Sleep Screening Questionnaire
Sleep as a biological phenomenon is effective in the performance and recovery of athletes. Questionnaires can be used as a cost‑effective initial assessment tool for sleep. The Athlete Sleep Screening Questionnaire (ASSQ) demonstrated a clinically valid instrument for screening relevant sleep issues in athletic populations. Due to the lack of validated tools for adequate screening for sleep difficulties in the Iranian athlete population, the present study was conducted to evaluate the validity and reliability of the Persian version of the ASSQ.
The translation process was performed using instructions by Beaton et al. Content validity was assessed by a panel of experts. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis was performed for two 5‑item sleep difficulty scores (SDS) and a 4‑item chronotype score. Internal consistency based on Cronbach’s alpha and McDonald’s omega and stability reliability were used to evaluate reliability.
The ASSQ achieved conceptual and semantic equivalence with the original scale. The item‑level content validity index (I‑CVI) of each item ranged from 0.87 to 1, and the averaging scale‑level CVI/average was 0.95. In factor analysis, one factor for SDS and one factor for chronotype score were identified and confirmed. The internal consistency of the SDS scale (α =0.77, Ω =0.83) and chronotype (α =0.74, Ω =0.77) was acceptable. Stability reliability was confirmed for SDS scale (intra‑class correlation [ICC] =0.87) and for chronotype (ICC = 0.83).
Persian ASSQ has acceptable psychometric measurement properties as a screening tool to assess sleep in Iranian athletes.