Designing the employability model of university graduates

Article Type:
Research/Original Article (دارای رتبه معتبر)

the major goal of this research is to design the employability model of university graduates. To this end, qualitative research, grounded theory method and in-depth interview have been applied. The statistical population of the study was faculty members of Shahid Chamran university of Ahvaz. 15 people were selected as research samples, using theoretical sampling method. The content of interviews was analyzed using open coding, axial coding and selective coding, after being logged. The components identified from the results of data analysis in the form of paradigmatic model are: casual conditions (student, professor, curriculum, educational factors), axial phenomenon (skills), contextual conditions (higher education policies, government policies, university philosophy, condition political organizational and meta organizational factors, regulations, management factors, condition economical), interfering conditions (socio-cultural factors), strategies (improving the quality of university performance, the level of interactions, international position of university, educational activities and educational situation), consequences (employability and its results at three levels: individual, organization and society). In selective coding, formation of “employability” was proposed as the core and center of the discussion and the employability theory was presented, based on that. The most important common feature of the designed model with others is related to the classes of skills and curriculum, and considering all the components affecting employability, is the most important difference from all previously designed models.

New Educational Approaches, Volume:17 Issue: 2, 2023
87 to 114  
سامانه نویسندگان
  • Darzian Azizi، Abdolhadi
    Author (2)
    Darzian Azizi, Abdolhadi
    Assistant Professor Marketing, Shahid Chamram University Of Ahvaz, اهواز, Iran
  • Mehralizadeh، Yadollah
    Author (3)
    Mehralizadeh, Yadollah
    Professor Educational Management department, Shahid Chamram University Of Ahvaz, اهواز, Iran
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