The theory rejali of ayatollah moslem davari By focusing on the basics, methods and opinions
Article Type:
Research/Original Article (دارای رتبه معتبر)
Ayatollah Muslim Dauri is one of the contemporary scholars in the seminary of Qom. In addition to his role in Al-Rijal al-Hadith Khoi's collection, he has two independent research works containing specialized topics on the benefits and rules of Rijal science. Professional research is in response to the question of whether or not there is a coherent and systematic epistemic system or the so-called "Rajali theory" of arbitration. If we consider "foundations, methods and opinions" as the sides of a theory, as evidenced by the results of this unprecedented analytical descriptive research, it has the characteristics of a royal theory. Clear concepts, precise definitions, coherent bases in proving the authenticity of a single news and the need for Rizal, determining the scope of the validity of Rizal's sayings, explaining the methodology of hadith validation, evaluating the important sources of Rizal, lexicography of Rizal's descriptions and rules and issuing ijtihadi opinions, the epistemic geometry of Rizal's judgment. it shows.
Journal of Ketab - e - Qayyem, Volume:13 Issue: 29, 2023
297 to 314
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گفت وگو از:
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پیرمرد و مشروطه
ماهنامه معارف، شهریور و مهر 1396