Comparisonof Hemodynamic Effects of Dose Response vs. Conventional Dosing of Propofol for Anesthesia Induction Under Bispectral Index Monitoring: AClinical Trial
Propofol is an advantageous agent for anesthesia induction. It can cause dose-related hemodynamic adverse effects. The bispectral index (BIS) is a brain function monitor utilized to assess the depth of anesthesia. This study aimed to compare the adverse hemodynamic effects of BIS-guided response dosing with conventional weight-based dosing of Propofol.In this clinical trial, patients were anesthetized with propofol in two different orthopedic operating rooms. In one operating room, patients received propofol with dose-response method (group A), and the other received weight-based dosing (group B). For both groups, BIS was used as an index of anesthesia depth. Hemodynamic parameters were recorded at baseline, during induction, and at different time points.A total of 73 patients were included in the final analysis. The meandose of propofol for induction was higher in the control group than in the response-guided group (1.94±1.65 vs. 1.09±0.32, respectively, P=0.006). There wereno reported significant adverse hemodynamic effects in patients of the two groups.Response-guided propofol dosing can be used to decrease propofol dose during anesthesia induction. Further studies are needed to investigate the clinical benefit of this dosing strategy.
Investigating repeated exposure to sevoflurane during adolescence and their effects on behavioral and pathological impairment in adult male and female Wistar rats
Mahdieh Nasiri, Javad Fahanik Babaei *, Maryam Jafarian,
Daneshvar Medicine, -
Effect of Sphenopalatine Ganglion Nerve Block on Bleeding and Pain During and After Rhinoplasty and Septoplasty Surgeries: A Double-Blind Randomized Clinical Trial
Aida Ahmadi, Saereh Hosseindoost,, Javad Rahmati,, Saeed Golparvaran, Babak Eslami, Khalil Pestei *
Archives of Neuroscience, Oct 2023