A brief overview of: "Family and religious education in modern society from the perspective of Christianity and Islam"
Christianity as a religious school with more than fifteen centuries ofexperience in religious education and training is considered one of the mostimportant compilers of religious education systems in today's world. It canbe said that one of the first societies affected by the conflict betweenmodernism and traditionalism in the West is the Christian society.Accordingly, the issue of religious education and family in Christianitycompared to Islam is one of the most important current debates in theChristian Church.Jean-Marie Aubert, an outstanding professor at theUniversity of France and a Catholic priest, one of the experts in this matterin the Christian world, is known to pay special attention to the discussionof religious education and the challenges of the modern era in his studies;In this research, the important category of family and religious educationin the modern society is examined with a descriptive-analytical methodfrom the perspective of Christianity compared to Islam with Obert'sapproach. From Obert's point of view, the examination of the goals ofreligious education shows that the most important needs of every divinesociety is the education of religious people who rely on the power of faith,will and reason, are rational and self-productive instead of depending onthe economic and cultural achievements of others. Knowledge andtechnology for independent life in the age of faith. From his point of view,without a doubt, the first and most important educational environment forevery person is the family, and in the view of Christianity, forming a familyand married life is considered a sacred thing, and men and women committo reproduction and education of children and their growth. In anatmosphere full of virtue, faith and love for God.