The role of Interpol surveillance networks in curbing transnational terrorism

Article Type:
Research/Original Article (دارای رتبه معتبر)
Field and Aims

The spread of terrorism outside the borders of countries led to the formation of a type of terrorism, known as transnational terrorism. Today, the development and advancement of communication and information technologies and the use of them by terrorist organizations and individuals has created a situation were dealing with this form of terrorism has become a new challenge at the international level, and numerous international organizations and institutions has also involved the international community in this confrontation and providing effective solutions. Interpol is one of the organizations that, by having supervisory institutions at the international level, can take effective measures in the field of curbing this form of terrorism,


This article is written in a descriptive-analytical way.

Findings and results

The findings indicate that terrorist groups with goals, activities and organizational forms that are beyond their origin can be called "transnational". Therefore, terrorists can be transnational in three ways: goals, actions and organizational form. In dealing with the transnational terrorism network, Interpol has adopted methods that include: a- Identifying suspected terrorists; b- Preventing the travel of people suspected of terrorist activities; C- tracing the financial resources of terrorists; T- The use of two monitoring networks including the mobile network database and the fixed network database. Interpol member states that have adopted the connection to mobile and fixed networks and have also used it to screen people and documents at border crossings and other key points,

International Legal Research Scientific Quarterly, Volume:16 Issue: 62, 2024
69 to 94