Ibn Arabi and Metaphor; Ibn Arabi's Methodology in Explaining the Microcosm with an Emphasis on Jurjani's Theory of Metaphor
Article Type:
Research/Original Article (دارای رتبه معتبر)
One of the most important issues in the field of Islamic mysticism and Sufism is Microcosm and the Macrocosm. It is discussed in Ibn Arabi's mysticism and plays a vital role in his mysticism and his followers. Since his writings are based on a special type of linguistics that may not have been used in the expression of any of the mystics, the description and explanation of the researcher of his mysticism should also consider the issues related to language and its belongings as a prior assumption. Examining Ibn-Arabi's Al-Tadbirat Elahiya shows that he uses metaphor to explain how the Macrocosm and Microcosm are matched. At the beginning of the book, Ibn Arabi presented a definition of metaphor that is exactly in accordance with the definition in the Islamic rhetoric, that is, in Sheikh Abdul Qahir Jarjani’s. The vital element in this similar definition of metaphor should be sought in "point of resemblance" which implies the formation and permanence of metaphor. After comparing Ibn Arabi's and Jurjani's definitions of metaphor and examining some examples of metaphors from the Microcosm and the Macrocosm, the conclusion was reached that two authors agreed both on presenting the definition of metaphor, and on the most important characteristic in the vehicle in the formation of the metaphor. Furthermore, Ibn Arabi applied this theory practically andontologicalyl, and obtained favorable results from it.
Journal of Rhetoric and Grammar Studies, Volume:13 Issue: 24, 2024
53 to 72
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