Presenting a Structural Model for the Development of Rural Tourism in East Azerbaijan Province from the Perspective of Residents with the Approach of Social Exchange Theory
The main purpose of this study was to investigate the attitude of the residents of the region towards tourism and the factors affecting this attitude based on the theory of social exchange. The present study has investigated the attitude and support of the beneficiaries of tourism. In terms of the research method, this study is a descriptive-correlation and applied type of research that uses structural equation modeling and has been carried out using the causal-relational method and covariance-variance matrix analysis. In terms of the method of collecting and receiving information, this research is in the field of field studies. The statistical population of the research was the heads of households (local people) in the villages of East Azerbaijan province in Iran. According to the investigations carried out by the organizations in charge of rural tourism in East Azerbaijan Province, such as the Tourism and Cultural Heritage Organization and the Islamic Revolution Housing Foundation, as well as field observations, 20 villages were selected as sample villages, and the total number of households in this the number of villages was estimated to be 4669. Using Cochran's relationship, the number of 355 heads of households from local people was selected as the statistical sample of the study. In this study, a multi-stage sampling method was used. Based on this, first of all, the studied villages were selected from the rural areas of East Azarbaijan province, taking into account a series of defining characteristics and indicators, including the presence of national and international registered works, the presence of a traditional texture, or a special architectural style, or a cultural ceremony. A number of 20 villages were selected as sample villages, and then a stratified sampling method with proportional allocation was used. In the final stage, through the use of a simple random sampling method, the head of the household was visited in person, the necessary information was collected, and the questionnaire was completed. Became Average Variance Extracted (AVE) was used to determine the validity of the measurement tool. The results showed the validity of the measurement tool (0.74-0.97). Composite reliability was used to determine the reliability of the research tool. The results showed the reliability of the measurement tool (0.93-0.99). The results of residents' opinions about causal relationships between tourism development variables indicated that a positive and significant causal relationship between personal benefit and understanding the positive effects of tourism, between personal benefit and satisfaction, between understanding the positive effects of tourism and satisfaction, between understanding There have been positive effects of tourism and support for tourism development, between satisfaction and support for tourism development. There is a negative and significant causal relationship between personal benefit and understanding the negative effects of tourism, understanding the negative effects of tourism, and satisfaction between understanding the negative effects and supporting the development of tourism. The results of the study, while confirming the theory of social exchange, determined what structures in support of tourism development should be considered in tourism development planning.