Analyzing The concept of exploration of "soul" and other obstacles to perfection related to it, inAsrarnameh from Attar Nishabouri's
Perfectionism, which has always been one of the important indicators of mystical-ethical literature; It is an effort to achieve human perfection. But along with the important factors of human perfectionism, it is important and necessary to examine and explain the obstacles that keep people away from the path of their highest goals. In such a way that many mystics have listed the knowledge of the limitations and obstacles of perfection as the most important principle to achieve it. In this article, the authors have devoted their efforts to examining this main question: "How is the ego explained as the most important factor preventing human perfection in Attar Nishaburi's Asrarnameh?" And "what is the relationship between the ego and other factors that prevent perfection?" The hypothesis of the authors is that the concept of "soul", which is one of the main factors preventing the perfection of a person, is introduced in Asrarnameh Attar as the cause of many moral vices. The findings of the article, using the descriptive and analytical method, showed that the concept of self in Asrarnameh Attar is the basis for the realization of moral vices such as envy and miserliness, greed and anger and malice, worldliness, etc. which ultimately prevents a person from achieving perfection. Therefore, the current article, while carefully examining the verses of Asrarnameh, explains the concept of ego, which is embedded in human nature as a deadly poison of morality and spirituality; to bring him to the lowest stage of humiliation.