A Comparative Analysis of the Reference of the Divine Will to God's Action from the Point of View of Allameh Tabataba'i: Relying on the Theories of Reductionism
In the past, there has been a deep discussion among philosophers and theologians regarding the different aspects of the Divine will. This paper aims to first provide a detailed report and evaluation of Allameh Tabataba'i's theories, and then, in comparison with the ideas of eminent thinkers of transcendental theosophy, a new formulation of this interpretation will be presented based on the reductionist approach, how much they consider the attribute of the Divine will to be essential or action. According to the research method of each of the philosophers, Allameh Tabataba'i, considers God’s will to be debatable in the form of Divine actions and considers it difficult to carry it on the Essence in such a way that it is considered an independent concept, we will consider in the framework of anti-reductionism. We consider On the other hand, Imam Khomeini, who considers the Divine will to be one of the attributes of Essence and considers it to be constant in all levels of existence and one of the attributes of perfection, a minimalist reductionist, and Mulla Sadra, who refers the essential Will to other Essential attributes such as knowledge, love, or pleasure, we formulate maximal reductionist.
The Rational Analysis of Creational Agency in the Theoretical Systems of the Ash'arites and Followers of Transcendent Wisdom
Faranak Bahmani *, Masuodeh Fazel Yegane, Ali Allahbedashti
Aghl va Deen, -
A Critique of David Bohm’s Dimensions of the Ontological Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics in light of Mulla Sadra’s philosophy
Amir Abdollahi Khalaj *, Mahdi Monfared
Journal of Recognition, -
A comparative study of David Bohm's quantum mechanics ontology basics with Hikmat Sadraei's basics
Amir Abdollahi Khalaj *, Mahdi Monfared
Quarterly Journal of Philosophical Meditations, -
Semantics of the phrase "Tebbiana Lakul Shi'e" in the Quran with emphasis on the anthropological opinions of Allameh Hassanzadeh Amoli.
Osam Salmanian *, Ali Allahbedashti
Journal of Kalam Pajouhi,