Study of Urban Vitality based on Jacobs's theory and its adaptation to Shiraz Municipality District 6
Jane Jacobs's quest for urban vitality has had an undoubted impact on researchers and urban planners, yet her theory has received little attention in many parts of the world. Where Jacobs's principles for urban vitality fit well with the traditional features of these urban settlements. Even if their core nature has been gradually challenged under the pattern of modernity. Numerous studies have been conducted in the past few years with the aim of experimentally testing Jacobs's ideas. In this study, we examined urban vitality in District 6 of Shiraz Municipality from Jacobs's point of view. Urban vitality analysis in the form of a systemic approach allows spatial interpretation of the study area. The results were determined in 4 groups (high vitality, moderate vitality, low vitality and no vitality) using grouping method and k-means algorithm.
Urban vitality means that the city provides a safe place for its residents to live and can provide all the necessary activities for them. Since the 1950s, the study of urban space has become more accurate. One of these theories is Jane Jacobs's theory of diversity.
In order to study Jane Jacobs' ideas about urban vitality from a practical point of view, six conditions have been considered: concentration, diversity, contact opportunity, the need for aged buildings, accessibility and border vacuums. These 6 conditions can be extracted based on 11 observable variables and the JANE index can be created. After collecting all the variables and fixing the problems in the data, the variables were examined at the block level. In order to integrate the 11 original variables to their corresponding urban vitality conditions, we have created six scores. Lastly, in order to facilitate the analysis and interpretation of the spatial distribution of JANE results, four categories have been identified based on the Grouping Analysis tool available in ESRI ArcGIS 10.5.
Concentration and Diversity go hand-by-hand in Jane Jacobs’ arguments on urban vitality. High levels of concentration are found in areas where building density, housing, and population overlap. This is especially evident on both sides of MaliAbad Street. In addition to this axis, the concentration can be seen in the area of the old neighborhood of Qasrdasht. MaliAbad Street and the old Qasrdasht neighborhood also scored the highest points in other indicators.
we have synthesized the five conditions of urban vitality in the JANE Index. Higher values of this index correspond to areas that are more likely to nest vibrant street life.
The results show that in fact, a small part of District 6 of Shiraz Municipality; It has high vitality (2.5%) and medium vitality (17.5%). Meanwhile, a significant share of the territory of Shiraz Municipality District 6 in this study is classified in the group of low vitality (36%) and lack of vitality (44%).
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Geographic Space,