Communicative Literacy: Analysis of Specialized Literacies in the Communication of Professional Athletes
Article Type:
Research/Original Article (دارای رتبه معتبر)
The specialized literacies in communication, which go beyond reading, writing, and simple conversation, play a significant role in human communication with oneself, others, and even other beings; the quality of good communication signifies greater success in personal and professional life. With this brief introduction, the question arises as to whether communicative literacy is a very important skill among professional athletes. The answer is likely positive; as professional sports are breaking down negative beliefs of past generations, such as eliminating racial discrimination. On the other hand, professional sports have brought together different tastes and interests, leading to expanded communications. Since communicative literacy in professional sports has been less studied, the aim of this study is to analyze specialized literacies in the communication of professional athletes in Iran, based on the technique of analyzing key players. This was done through a strategic planning simulation tool called "McCutcheon". In this critical paradigm study, professional athletes in the fields of football, wrestling, weightlifting, and handball were asked to complete actor-actor and actor-goal matrices, which in a way measured their level of communicative literacy. The results from the Makator software output indicated that professional athletes in selected fields have weaknesses in their specialized literacies in body language, intercultural communication, advertising literacy, organizational communication, international and emotional relations. Suggestions were made for better communication for professional athletes.
Communication Management in Sports Media, Volume:11 Issue: 42, 2023
33 to 54
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