Investigating the Impact of Green Gamification Affordances on Experience Management and Behavioral Outcomes among Customers
Today, due to the growing environmental awareness among customers, businesses are compelled to reconsider their marketing methods and adopt new approaches such as green gamification. In response to this need, the present research aimed to investigate the impact of green gamification activities on customer experience management and behavioral outcomes. This research is classified as descriptive-survey research in terms of method, and in terms of data collection, it falls into the category of correlational research, and in terms of purpose, it is considered applied. Data collection in this research was conducted through the use of a questionnaire. The statistical population includes experts, specialists and experts in the field of marketing and gamification, 250 of whom were selected by non-random sampling. According to the Krejcie and Morgan table, the sample size was 148 individuals. To avoid the negative impact of incomplete and non-returned questionnaires, 160 questionnaires were initially distributed. Ultimately, 155 questionnaires were included for analysis. To check the research hypotheses, factor analysis techniques, and structural equation model tests were utilized, using Amos software. The research findings indicate a positive and significant relationship between green gamification affordances, customer experience management, and various dimensions of behavioral outcomes, including continuous use intention, satisfaction, and loyalty.