Analyzing the European Union’s new regional policy-making regarding climate change: European Green Deal
The collection of political, legal and economic activities, actions and decision-making in order to preserve and restore the environment is referred to as environmental policy-making. On the eve of the third decade of the 21st century, the crisis of climate change and environmental security has been mentioned as the main threat to humanity. Regional environmental policy-making have been able to be more efficient than global environmental policy-making in terms of climate change prevention and control in regions. The participation of regional actors, being more technical and specialized are among the characteristics of regional environmental policy-making that are formed under the banner of environmental regionalism. The European Green Deal is the latest environmental policy-making of the European Union, which is different and distinct from previous environmental policy-making. This research aims to firstly explain environmental regionalism and the advantages of regional environmental policy-making and then investigate the nature of the Green Deal. Also, by examining the background of the issue of environmental policy in Europe, explain why and the necessity of adopting the Green Deal and finally analyze the distinctions of this Deal and its future. In this research, analytical-explanatory method and primary and secondary sources are used to answer the questions: What is the European Green Deal and how does it differ from other environmental policy-making? And what is the importance of environmental policy-making and environmental regionalism? And what will be the future of the European Union in terms of climate change and environmental policy-making? Used.
The position of environmental security concept in international and global security
, Daydokht Sadeghi Haghighi *, Kayhan Barzegar
Studies of International Relations Journal, -
Evolution of the Concept of Government: A Historical-Explanatory Study of Postmodern Government
S. Amin Habibi
International Journal of Nations Research,