An Examination of Cryptography and Mystical Writing in the Perilous Pursuit of True Politics; Case Study: The Model of Leo Strauss and Najm al-Din Razi
Mystics employ a specific type of language, commonly referred to as mystical language, to express mystical discussions, educate their audience, and describe their own states and experiences. Consequently, understanding mystical concepts and related discussions requires familiarity with the various dimensions of mystical expression. There are remarkable similarities between this style of mystical expression, extensively used by Najm al-Din Razi in Mirsad al-Ibad, and what Strauss refers to as the art of writing in his book Persecution and the Art of Writing. These similarities are so significant that one could speak of the expression and art of writing among mystics in a manner akin to Strauss's discourse on philosophers. In this study, using a comparative method, Strauss's referenced art of writing regarding philosophers and the art of writing and expression employed by Najm al-Din Razi in Mirsad al-Ibad are examined to demonstrate the use of the art of writing and expression to safeguard against persecution among mystics.