Evaluation of international students' experience of studying in Kurdistan University
One of the most important indicators in educational policy making and planning is the study of educational stakeholders (whether their experience, knowledge, satisfaction, or their needs and interests). The purpose of this research is to evaluate the experience of international students studying in the University of Kurdistan
This study was conducted with a quantitative and survey approach. The statistical population of this research includes 536 international students of Kurdistan University, among whom 112 people were selected as samples. The data were collected using a researcher-made questionnaire and analyzed in two stages: first, the demographic information of the sample was reported using descriptive statistics, then to check the normality of the data distribution, the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was used to compare the averages, depending on the number of groups, from the tests Independent t test and one-way analysis of variance are used.
Studying at the University of Kurdistan is a positive and beneficial experience for international students. The findings show that the academic performance of these students has improved significantly during their studies, indicating the good quality of education at this university. Additionally, studying at this university has broadened students' perspectives on cultural differences and improved their language skills. However, insufficient attention has been paid to the development of critical thinking and problem-solving skills, which require further attention. Overall, there are opportunities to enhance the quality of education and respond to specific educational needs of this group of students, which the university authorities should consider.
The results indicate the high quality of education at the University of Kurdistan and the ability of this university to respond to the educational needs of international students. In this regard, to improve the experience of this category of students, it is recommended to strengthen international educational programs, promote cultural interactions, and increase financial support. Creating interactive spaces and paying attention to the development of language skills can also help to improve the academic and cultural performance of foreign students in Kurdistan University.
Innovation and originality:
The current research was conducted with the aim of identifying and solving the challenges faced by the international students of Kurdistan University and it can play an key role in increasing the ability of this university to attract international students. Also, the findings of this research can be used in higher education policies related to accepting and supporting international students.
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