The Necessity of Protection of Mountains in International Law
Environmental issues are increasingly recognized as major international challenges, emerging as primary concerns not only for environmental activists but also for government leaders worldwide. It is evident that, in the near future, the fundamental sources of conflict among states will primarily involve environmental and natural resource issues. Within this context, mountains hold a unique significance due to their critical role in ecosystems. However, they have received insufficient attention, resulting in their delicate structures being particularly vulnerable to damage and degradation. Clearly, leveraging the frameworks of international law can facilitate the prevention of further harm and the restoration of existing damages. Notably, several European countries have already enacted legal measures in this domain, yielding positive outcomes.
The Basics of International Criminalization of Ecocide
Mostafa Fazaeli, , Seyyed Hassan Eslami Ardakani, Sharareh Abtahi *
Criminal Law Doctrines, -
The Factors of Appropriate Model of Supervision Over Organizations Responsible for Environment Protection
, Komail Sadeghi *
Journal of Environmental Sciences and Technology,